Vacation Reads

Summer is upon us and for many of us, that means vacations. In all honestly, summer usually does mean I change my reading habits, I’m not sure why, but I do find myself reaching for “beach reads” as the days get hotter and longer.

I am actually going on vacation next week, where I will conveniently be sitting on a beach, so I thought I would share a few of the books I am planning on reading. As I mentioned I do enjoy stereotypical beach reads this time of year, and usually for more those book fall into two categories: Romance; and Thrillers. That is not to say that those are the only books I rad but those do seem to dominate my reading. So without further ado, here are the books I plan on reading over my week-long vacation in Mexico. Some of these are ARCS, and I have noted those.


The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

Can't Text This by Tegan Hunter


The Perfect Wife by JP Delaney (ARC)

Trust Me When I Lie by Bejamin Stevenson (ARC)

Young Adult:

Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin (ARC)

A Consellation of Roses by Miranda Asebedo (ARC)

the culling trial shadowspell academy book 1 by K.F. Breene and Shannon Mayer

the Grace Year by Kim Ligget


soul in Darkness by Wendy Higgins

escaping destiny the fae chronicles book 3 by amelia hutchins



  1. Hope you love Can’t Text This!! I loved that entire series! I’m reading the Unhoneymooners this week for Summerathon! Enjoy your vacation ❤️❤️

    • Yes I loved the first book in the series so I have a feeling I will enjoy the next one! And I am really looking forward to Unhoneymooners!!

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