Top Ten Tuesday – Holiday Reads


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is Holiday Reads.   I’ll be honest I don’t know that I actually have many holidays reads, so the first five are ones I’ve read and enjoyed and the other five are ones on my TBR

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and has since moved to That Artsy Reader Girl beginning in January of 2018.

Holiday Reads

Holiday Reads I’ve read


The Trouble with Christmas


Bridget Jones Diary


Four Christmases and a secret


Harry Potter


The Afterlife of Holly Chase

Holiday Reads I want to Read


Christmas Shopaholic


10 Blind Dates


We Met In December


Mr Dickens and his Carol


Special Delivery



  1. THE SORCERER’S STONE and MR. DICKENS AND HIS CAROL are both on my list today. I’ve read SORCERER’S a few times and I just love its depiction of Christmastime at Hogwarts. So magical! I haven’t read MR. DICKENS, although I love A CHRISTMAS CAROL. I probably won’t have time to read it this year – maybe next.

    Happy TTT!


    • I would love to experience Christmas at Hogwarts!

  2. lydiaschoch

    Yay for Harry Potter! It’s been on so many lists this week.

    My TTT.

  3. We Met in December keeps popping up–I must look for it. And, Bridget Jones–sigh. Love her! Good list!

    • Yes, Briget Jones isn’t really Holiday but it reminds me of Christmas.

  4. These are all great!!! I’m excited to get to We Met in December. Also, I hope you love 10 Blind Dates!! I had such a blast with it. It was super sweet and cozy and it’s definitely fun for this time of the year.

    • 10 Blind dates looks so cute I’m excited to read it.

    • Yes, it was a total surprise for me too! Loved it

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