Using the Right Hashtags

Bookstagram is hard.  It's super fun don't get me wrong but it is also very frustrating.   Last month I talked about how to use captions to increase engagement.   Today I'm going to share some hashtag tips.    I certainly don't have any magical answers, nor do I have any clue how the algorithm works.  These suggestions are just ones that have worked for me.   Why Hashtags are Important The reason we use hashtags…

Bookstagram Captions tips to Increase Engagement

As promised on my New Years' update I am going to start sharing some Bookstagram and Blog tips.  Let me be clear upfront I am not an expert, and I am only sharing what worked for me personally, and perhaps a few friends I have asked as well. I'm not selling anything or trying to get you to sign up for a class either, I am just sharing what worked for me.  Below…