Death Wish by K. Webster

Synopsis All I wanted is for my little sister Della to be safe and happy. And maybe, in brief stolen moments, I dreamed of a happy ending for myself with a brown-eyed man. That hope has turned into sharp, bright fear. There's only survival now.I'm the daughter of a controlling and cruel billionaire, so I understand about power. But I find myself fighting anyway. I find myself testing them.I have claws and I…
Triple Threat by K. Webster

Triple Threat by K. Webster

Synopsis I’m a prisoner in a prestigious world.A perfect princess locked in a tower.My father will never let me go.Not that I could leave. I would never abandon my little sister. Hope comes in the form of a devilishly handsome man with dark eyes and darker secrets.With each encounter, I’m lured deeper into the labyrinth. The danger lurking beneath his surface calls to me, even as it warns me away.Except there’s a new…