Gallows Bridge by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis Every story comes to an end eventually. Maybe ours was never meant to have a happy ending.I was back in my hometown at last, surrounded by the boys I’ve loved for my entire life, and I’d finally had everything I’d ever wanted. But fate never was kind to this dead girl and we aren’t done fighting to claim our happily ever after.This might not be a fairy tale, but I swear on…

Paradise Lagoon by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis I made my choice. I took the hard way out. Now all of our fates are riding on the dice I’m about to throw and luck never was on our side.I was whole once, with my boys in this slice of paradise we’d carved out for ourselves, but in the time that we were parted we grew up. Grew apart. And as much as I might have yearned to reclaim that girl…

Carnival Hill by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis I thought that I was broken before, but my damage never tasted as bitter as this.The Harlequin boys are more than just a memory now. More than a daydream of our youth and an idea to cling onto.They’re my greatest weakness and my biggest regret, but I’ve started to realise that coming back to Sunset Cove was always my fate.My heart beats to the turn of the tide here. My skin only…

Dead Man’s Isle by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis I’m the girl who no one wanted. Or the one who got away. Depending on who you ask.Either way, betrayal and heartache have been my friends for far too long and it’s time for me to start over.I gave the Harlequin boys a chance to change. A chance to prove that history wasn’t just set to repeat itself. But they failed with spectacular colours.Maybe it’s time for me to stop running. After…

Sinners Playground by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis Dead girls don’t feel pain.But they like the taste of vengeance.Maybe that’s why I came back to my hometown. Because it sure as hell wasn’t for the surf. But what else was I supposed to do when I found myself in Sunset Cove with twenty bucks to my name, the key to my enemies’ secrets hanging around my neck and a mouth full of grave dirt that wouldn’t wash clean?I hate the…