Vipers and Virtuosos by Sav R. Miller

Vipers and Virtuosos by Sav R. Miller

Synopsis AidenFrom the second I saw her, I knew she’d be my ruin.Sitting all alone at the bar, she looked like an angel.Eurydice in human form; her beauty eclipsed by demons.Now, I’m one of them.The ghost she’s tried for years to escape.Thinking I wouldn’t be able to find her.But I never stopped trying, and now that I have,Her past sins should be the least of her worries.RileyFrom the moment he saw me, I…

Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

Synopsis ElenaTo most, Kal Anderson is a villain.Harbinger of death, keeper of souls, frequenter of nightmares.Doctor Death. Hades incarnate.They say he stole me.Usurped my fiancé and filled the cracks in my heart with empty promises.Imprinted his crimson fingerprints on my psyche and tried to set me free.They’re not wrong, per se.Except it was my choice to stay. KalTo most, Elena Ricci is an innocent.Goddess of springtime, lover of poetry, angel of my nightmares.Little…