Brutal Lies by R.A. Smyth

Brutal Lies by R.A. Smyth

Synopsis This was not part of my plan.Enrolling at Pacific Prep was supposed to gain me freedom and a feeling of control over my life. Buried truths are being revealed, and my goals are becoming less clear by the day.My entire life, I’ve wanted a family; wanted to know if I had one out there. I’ve craved answers and now that I’m getting them, I don’t know if I’m ready.I have a brother,…

Broken Trust by R.A. Smyth

Synopsis My name is Hadley Parker, and today is the first day of the rest of my life.Today I start school at Pacific Prep. This is my new lease on life, and I won’t be wasting it.I need this, now, more than ever. I need the education, the promise of a future that I wouldn’t get anywhere else.These rich kids don’t like me though.When Hawk Davenport decides he doesn’t want me here, his…

Rebels and Rejects by R. A. Smyth

Synopsis I work in the darkness that is Black Creek.If there’s a secret to uncover, a package to deliver, or a story to be told, I’m your girl. I make my money however I can.Once upon a time, The Feral Beasts ruled Black Creek with an iron fist, but they’re long gone now. The Antonelli family stepped in, only caring about their family and their money.I’ve heard the whispers…The Reaper Rejects are growing…