
It started when I stole a secret I was never meant to keep.
Then, “I dare you,” was whispered in the dark of night.
Three simple words that changed everything.
I became the one thing that Rhys Blackwood hated more than he hated himself.
St. Augustine’s very own fallen angel had me in his hold and he wasn’t giving up until I was ruined.
I was a snitch. A liar. A pawn.
He was cruel. Merciless. The King.
Together, we were fated for destruction.
And where there are secrets and untruths… there are demons lurking beyond the shadows.


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Immoral Confessions is basically one big trope. It is a boarding school bully romance, with the female lead, Valentina, being about as pure and innocent as you can get.

I read a lot of bully romances, and there are a lot of times I feel like the female leads let the male lead(s) off the hook too easily, but this one was pretty bad. I get it Rhys is the villain; we are supposed to hate him. But this guy does horrible things to poor Valentina, and she just sort of gets over it because she also kind of liked it? I especially didn’t like it because that is Valentina’s problem in the first place. She lets people treat her horribly, and Rhys was no exception. I will admit I didn’t hate them as a couple; I wish Valentina had a little more backbone. This wasn’t as fun of a bully romance to read because I just wanted Valentina to give Rhys what he deserved, and I don’t really feel like I got that.

Though the relationship between Valentina and Rhys is most of the story, there is some mystery in the book. It is only really hinted at in this story, but I hope that the rest of the books in this series explore it more.

Available on Kindle Unlimited


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