
I guess you could say I was a damsel in distress, and he was my knight in shining armor.

But more accurately, I was a girl with a lot of bad luck, and he was a guy with a lot of muscles and tattoos.

Jude “Lucky” Lucketti wasn’t just a sexy, brooding construction worker. He was my own personal hero who seemed to be in all the right places at the right times. Like when my car broke down and I needed a ride home, and when I face planted on the sidewalk right in front of him and had to be taken to the emergency room.

Those weren’t exactly my best moments, but they were his.

We became friends, and it didn’t matter that he was sixteen years older than me. We had a lot in common—like our love of old rock music and vintage fast cars, and our aversion to relationships.

When he approached me with a crazy idea to help me out, I couldn’t say no.

The arrangement was supposed to be temporary. A marriage on paper and nothing else.

It should’ve been easy, but it wasn’t.

Because here I am, eighteen years-old, still in high school, and married to a man I was never supposed to fall in love with.

We had just one rule—no kissing the bride.

But we broke that rule, and it sealed our fate forever.


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I love an age gap, so it’s probably not a huge surprise that I enjoyed Don’t Kiss the Bride,

If I am being honest, I found the premise slightly unbelievable, but this is fiction, so I am ignoring that. I loved Jude. He was tortured hero goodness. I loved how he wanted to take care of Skylar, And oh Skylar, what a brave, independent girl she was. I had so much respect for her and what she had to go through.

Don’t Kiss the Bride is a slow burn for sure. You know it’s going to happen, but the wait and the angst! Thank goodness for the dual POV because if I wasn’t at least getting some hints about the attraction, the wait would have been much harder.

I get the hype about Aiden Snow. I mean, he’s not going to replace Jacob Morgan, but he has a great voice, and it fit the character very well. All the age gap romances he’s narrated make sense. Desiree Ketchum is one of my favorites!

Great audiobook and a wonderful story!

Available on Kindle Unlimited


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