
The rich and popular Sharks rule at prestigious, ivy-covered Camden Prep. Once upon a time, I wanted to be part of their world–until they destroyed me.

The last thing I expected was an anonymous love letter from one of them.

Please. I hate every one of those rich jerks for what they did to me. The question is, which Shark is my secret admirer?

Knox, the scarred quarterback.
Dane, his twin brother.
Or Chance, the ex who dumped me. . .

Dear Ava,
Your eyes are the color of the Caribbean Sea.
Wait. That’s stupid.
What I really mean is, you look at me and I feel something REAL.

It’s been ten months since you were here, but I can’t forget you.
I’ve missed seeing you walk down the hall.
I’ve missed you cheering at my football games.
I’ve missed the smell of your hair.

And then everything fell apart the night of the kegger.

Don’t hate me because I’m a Shark.
I just want to make you mine.


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Dear Ava is not your typical bully romance, and I loved it all the more for that.

Ava has been through hell, and she enters her final year of school with her head held high. I loved how she didn’t cower and always made the hard choices, and never backed down. Knox is definitely being added to my book boyfriend list. I loved him so much! He is a tortured soul who is just trying to do the right thing. I don’t want to spoil anything, but the whole Hades/Persephone comparison just broke my heart! These two had such chemistry. Their banter left me smiling after every interaction.

Dear Ava also has a mystery element. I enjoyed that part, though the romance was what kept me reading. I think the mystery was a little predictable. Still, that wasn’t the most crucial part of this story, so I really didn’t care too much that I was able to fit the pieces together early.

I just loved this book so much! It was a great read though it wasn’t always easy to read. Make sure you check the trigger warnings before picking this one up.

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by this author:
Not My Romeo1


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