Four Reasons to Start Bookstagram

I have been bookstagramming for a little over two years now. I love it. There are certainly days when my follower count seems to be dwindling that I get discouraged, but overall I enjoy being a part of the community! Here are four reasons you should also think about joining the bookstagram community! The People This may be cliche, but I have met some of my closest friends on bookstagram. People I talk…

Getting ARCs: NetGalley

I know the how to get ARCs (Advanced Reading Copies) topic is not new.  I myself googled this very topic when I first started out.  Today I am starting a series about how to get ARCs.  I'm going to start out talking about the site that I started using first - NetGalley.  Let me say that I don't get every book request and I am not some sort of NetGalley magician.  Make sure…

Bookstagram Captions tips to Increase Engagement

As promised on my New Years' update I am going to start sharing some Bookstagram and Blog tips.  Let me be clear upfront I am not an expert, and I am only sharing what worked for me personally, and perhaps a few friends I have asked as well. I'm not selling anything or trying to get you to sign up for a class either, I am just sharing what worked for me.  Below…