
One to love. One to lead. One to Fear.

Leslie Kingmaker has three weeks to choose a leader for the supernatural community, find her soul mate and break a curse. To make matters worse, the three candidates vying for leadership and her heart – a werewolf, fae and vampire – won’t tell her what she needs to know to navigate the trials. One of them is supposed to betray her, and all she has to guide her is the obscure, rambling commentary in the Book of Secrets, an ancient tome that’s been in her family for two thousand years.

She soon discovers the candidates aren’t the ones on trial – she is. The family curse is a threat to the supernatural community, and the three candidates have sworn to do whatever it takes to break the curse, even if it means killing her. In a race to understand the ancient spell that befell her family, and struggling not to lose her heart to any of the sexy, brilliant men in the process, Leslie must defy the odds and end the curse if she is to survive the trials.


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The Trial is technically four books in one, but as I read them all back to back because I couldn’t put it down, I’m just going to review it as one book.

I absolutely loved the first three books.  I could have done with maybe a little bit more explication and world-building.  I understand some mystery is needed, but I felt like we didn’t know anything, and that lead me to be confused for the first little bit.  However, after the story gets going and some questions begin to be answered, the story really sucks you in.  I loved discovering the truth right along with Leslie.  

The characters were great, I, of course, had a favorite, and when I was first told about this book, I wasn’t sure how I would feel about Leslie having three love interests, but it made sense for the story.  I truly loved where this was going, all up until the last book.  I will not give any spoilers, but I will say that I wasn’t necessarily pleased with the ending.  Do I understand it, and did it make sense for the story?  Yes, it did, and so while on an emotional level I am distraught, I also sort of admire the trickery that went into it.  

If you’re looking for an original paranormal romance that is sure to cause you a little heartbreak, well, then this series is a perfect read! 

The first book is free on Amazon

The Trial


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