
hen I received the invitation to the Princes’ masked ball, I assumed it was a mistake. Possibly a prank. Why would East End Royalty invite West End trash for an opportunity to become their Princess?

The bigger question: Why would I take it?

I was raised to be the Dukes’ Duchess, but that dream came to an end when they chose a different woman. I had everything it took to be a house girl, including my innocence, something the Princes not only hold in high regard, but explicitly require.

It’s not the title that scares me.

It’s the men who have been chosen by the King. His adoptive sons.

Whitaker would fit the textbook image of Prince Charming to everyone but me. Gorgeous, athletic, and obnoxiously promiscuous, it only takes a few days as his Princess to realize the flirtatiousness in his eyes is a mask for what’s haunted beneath.

Believing me to be responsible for the two years he’s spent in prison, Pace harbors a grudge that’s as unyielding as his determination to know my every move. Even when he’s locked himself away, his eyes are everywhere. Watching. Waiting.

Lex, a moody, high-strung student on a straight shot to become a gifted surgeon, would rather have me under his scalpel than his body. Treating me like the subject of his experiment with fertilization is the closest I’ll come to having him as a lover.

These three have been trained to excel, endure, and maim, be it on in the hockey rink or down in the Palace’s dungeon. But most of all, they are Princes with one duty: to produce the next heir.

To Create is to Reign.


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Well, well, well, Princes of Chaos was such a fun read. Was it dark, of course, that’s why I loved it.

We are introduced to a new set of three very messed up men, this time the Princes. I think these three might be my favorite of the men so far. I love Wicker’s charisma, Pace’s intensity, and everything about Lex. Those three have so much baggage, and it was nice to see that these men also had a lot of trauma. We know Verity from the Dukes. And I liked her. I thought she was a good combination of Story and Lavinia. She knows how being a royal works but is slightly more naive than Lavinia.

The Prince’s goal is to make a baby, so you know this is steamy! And man, there are some new kinks in this one. This wouldn’t be a Forsyth book if there weren’t some craziness. I didn’t think this was the worst we’ve seen, but you should still make sure you read those trigger warnings. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book!

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by these authors:
A Deal with the Devil
Devil May Care1
Lords of Pain1
Lords of Wrath2
Lords of Mercy3
Dukes of Ruin4
Dukes of Madness5
Dukes of Peril6


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