
I’ve always been a good girl. 
I work hard, I follow the rules, and I always achieve my goals.

But sometimes good girls want things that aren’t good for them. 
Or someone who isn’t good for them. 
Like their new boss.

And sometimes they do very bad things to get his attention. 
Like sell their virginity in an auction. 

Who knew he’d be so very, very mad?
Maybe this was not my best laid plan…


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Good Girl had some great as well as some not-so-great things. The dirty talk was amazing. The main female character, on the other hand, I found very annoying.

Lydia was a good girl for sure, but I really didn’t need to know EVERYTHING that was going through her mind. It got old pretty quickly, and honestly, it made it hard to understand what Reece saw in her. I would have preferred some more Reece POV chapters because Lydia’s were a lot. But I will admit there were some laugh-out-loud moments, and I loved Payton!

Lydia was cute, and I could see how Reece found her refreshing, but I didn’t quite get why he was into her.

Available on Kindle Unlimited

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