2021 Reading Resolutions

Happy New Year! It’s that time when you make resolutions, and I’ve made some this year just like I do every year. I did a decent job of keeping to my reading resolutions last year, and I hope to do it again this year. Not all of these are specifically reading, some are related to my blog or bookstagram.


Reading Resolutions 1 : Track My Reading

Tracking what I’ve read is not my strength. I start with good intentions, but after a few months, it falls off. And Goodreads doesn’t quite have the tracking I want. This year I created my own tracker. It’s not perfect, but I think it will be great for my purposes.

Goodreds challenge

Reading Resolutions 2: Read 200 Books

This year my goal is to read 200 books, which seems like a lot. Honestly, I think I might have read 200 last year, I just did a bad job of tracking so this goal is combined with my first one.


Reading Resolutions 3: Have a Blog Calendar

One of the hardest things about having a blog is figuring out what to post about. I have a few of my weekly posts figured out, at least theme-wise, but having to come up with a Friday topic is sometimes hard, so instead of waiting until the last minute, I plan to create a full calendar for at least the next 6 months of my blog (hopefully)


Reading Resolutions 4: Read the Books I Own

There aren’t many books that I own that I haven’t read, but there are some. I don’t have a ton of shelf space on my shelves, and I don’t want it wasted on books I don’t like. So I need to read the ones I haven’t, and if I don’t enjoy them, I will get them off my shelf.

Reading Resolutions 5: Read What I Want

I am decent at doing this already. However, I often get bogged down by ARCs or tours, and when I have to read a book, I’m not really in the mood to read. Well, generally, I don’t enjoy it as much as I normally would.

What January 2021 releases are on your TBR?


  1. These sound like very good resolutions or goals. I have so many books on my bookshelves at home that I have not read. I really need to start reading them, maybe every other book.

    • Thank you! Yes, reading books you already own can sometimes be the hardest!

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