2019 Reading Resolutions

First, let me start off by saying that I am one of those annoying people who prefer the word goal to resolution, but I also love alliteration so you see the conundrum.  Anyway, I have quite a few goals this year and I can’t wait to start on them

1. Read 105 books

In 2018 I read well over 100 books, so I am hoping to continue the trend in 2019 by upping my goal just a little to try to read 105 books.

2. Be better about reviewing all the books I read

I mentioned I read over 100 books this year, but I certainly did not write over 100 reviews!  So that is something I’d liked to be better about.  I’d also like to try out video reviews.  I don’t think I want to start a whole BookTube channel, but I think maybe on my Bookstagram account, I could start doing some live reviews there.

3. Complete a reading challenge

Every year I attempt the PopSugar reading challenge, and every year I almost finish, but never quite get there.  So maybe this will be my year.


4. Be more organized about keeping track of books I’ve read, books I own, and books I want to read

I am not great about keeping up with things on goodreads, and this is really something I need to be better at, especially since that is how I figure out how many books I’ve read.  I also need to do a better job at managing my TBR and figuring out what books I want to own, and what books, I need to remove from my shelves.

5. Start a bookish bullet journal

This goes hand in hand with goal number 4, but there is also more to it.  I plan to add a lot of collections, including a catalog of my bookish merch so I can see what I really have and what I may want to get rid of.  I also plan to include some pages dedicated to inspiration, my TBR, and reading challenges

6. Know that it is okay to DNF a book

This is probably going to be the hardest for me to keep.  I am terrible about not finishing books.  For whatever reason, I have to finish and let’s face it, it is a huge waste of time!   There are so many books out there, why am I wasting time reading one I don’t like!

Do you have any reading goals?  If so please share them with me!



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